sexta-feira, 21 de dezembro de 2007

Exemplos de Design Patterns em "não softwares"

Exemplos de Design Patterns em não softwares"Non-Software Examples of Software Design Patterns" - Encontrei este artigo que fala sobre design patterns aplicados em objetos da vida real. Pode ajudar muitas pessoas a entenderem alguns padrões com seus exemplos! O artigo foi escrito por Michael Duell, seu abstract é:

"Software design patterns have roots in the architectural patterns of Christopher Alexander, and in the object movement. According to Alexander, patterns repeat themselves, since they are a generic solution to a given system of forces. The object movement looks to the real world for insights into modeling software relationships. With these dual roots, it seems reasonable that software design patterns should be repeated in real world objects. This paper presents a real world, non software instance of each design pattern from the book, Design Patterns - Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software [13]. The paper also discusses the implications of non-software examples on the communicative power of a pattern language, and on design pattern training."

Leitura recomendada para desenvolvedores Java, aqui!

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